Need some help finding books to fit your 2024 challenge? We’ve created a Goodreads List for *almost* every prompt on our 2024 Reading Challenge. These lists are an easy way to gather ideas and see what other 52 Book Club members are reading for each prompt!
In addition, this page will be updated with the release of any 2024 mini-challenges — making it an excellent resource for the entirety of 2024! Feel free to add your book choices and suggestions to any of the lists below!
Note: Anyone is welcome to add suggestions to these lists! Keep in mind that some 52 Book Club members may interpret the prompt differently than you, and that’s okay. Some of us like to be very literal and strict with our interpretations, and some like to be creative and stretch them a bit. Use these lists for helpful suggestions, but note that not every book on the list will fit your personal definition for the prompt.
The 2024 Goodreads Lists:
1. Locked-room mystery
2. Bibliosmia: A smelly book
3. More than 40 chapters
4. Lowercase letters on the spine
5. Magical realism
6. Women in STEM
7. At least four different POVs
8. Features the ocean
9. A character-driven novel
10. Told in non-chronological order
11. Title starting with the letter “K”
12. Title starting with the letter “L”
13. An academic thriller
14. A grieving character
15. Part of a duology
16. An omniscient narrator
17. Nominated for The Booker Prize
18. An apostrophe in the title
19. A buddy read *No Goodreads List for this title*
20. A revenge story
21. Written by a ghostwriter
22. A plot similar to another book
23. The other book with the similar plot
24. A cover without people on it
25. An author “everyone” has read except you
26. Hybrid genre
27. Be a neurodivergent author
28. A yellow spine
29. Published in a Year of the Dragon
30. Picked without reading the blurb *No Goodreads list for this prompt*
31. Includes a personal phobia
32. Time frame spans a week or less
33. An abrupt ending
34. Set in a landlocked country
35. Title matches lyrics from a song
36. Has futuristic technology
37. Palindrome on the cover
38. Published by Hachette
39. Non-fiction recommended by a friend *No Goodreads list for this prompt*
40. Set during a holiday you don’t celebrate
41. A sticker on the cover *No Goodreads list for this prompt*
42. Author debut in the second half of 2024
43. About finding identity
44. Includes a wedding
45. Chapter headings have dates
46. Featuring Indigenous culture
47. Self-insert by an author
48. The word “secret” in the title
49. Set in a city starting with the letter “M”
50. A musical instrument on the cover
51. Related to the word “Wild”
52. Published in 2024
February 2024 Mini:
1. By a Black author in your favorite genre
2. Be Mine, Valentine
3. By an author born in a leap year
April 2024 Mini:
1. (Never Gonna) Give You Up
2. (Never Gonna) Let You Down
3. (Never Gonna) Desert You
May 2024 Mini:
1. M — Author’s last name starts with the letter “M”
2. A is for Alpha
3. Y — An interrogative word in the title
Summer ’24 Reading Challenge:
1) Opening Ceremonies: Set in Paris
2) Opening Ceremonies: Flame on the cover
3) Opening Ceremonies: Going for Gold
4) 100M SPRINT: A short story collection
5) LONG JUMP: Audiobook is 15+ hours
6) STEEPLECHASE: Character is a spiritual leader
7) BOXING: A strong opening hook
8) WRESTLING: A heavy read
9) FENCING: Dialogue with witty banter! Touche!
10) BALANCE BEAM: About finding balance in life
11) UNEVEN BARS: Series with uneven number of books
12) RINGS: Jewelry on cover
13) SYNCHRONIZED DIVING: A sports romance novel
14) WATER POLO: A book that made a splash
15) BUTTERFLY: Plot featuring “butterfly effect”
16) ROAD CYCLING: Time period without modern transportation
17) TEAM PURSUIT: Featuring a group of friends
18) CROSS-COUNTRY: Related to word “endurance”
19) HANDBALL: Author shares same last name as an Olympian
20) VOLLEYBALL: Set in a country that wins a 2024 Olympic gold in Volleyball
21) FOOTBALL/SOCCER: Double letter word in title
22) Closing Ceremonies: At least four Olympic ring colors on cover
23) Closing Ceremonies: An author who hasn’t released a book in the past four years
24) Closing Ceremonies: Memoir / Biography about an Olympian
September 2024:
1) Professor Plum
2) In the kitchen
3) With a revolver
October 2024:
1) A beverage on the cover
2) Book pairs with a favorite sweater (no Goodreads list)
3) A cozy read
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